Dramatic Entrance
/There was a steep slope between the road and house which was difficult to navigate and unusable as a garden. The solution was to create a series of terraces linked by granite steps that lead to dramatic bespoke floating granite steps that provide a feature visible through the new patio doors in the open plan living space. The road is screened with a bespoke fence that echos the shape and materials of the new arcitect designed entrance to the house. The top terrace is envisaged as a space for sitting round a fire in the evening as it received the last of the evening sun. The middle terrace has a pergola and space for a dining table with easy access to the kitchen. The lowest level is the floating steps that provide suitable access to the house.
Photos jrb.designstudio
Before Picture
Some existing trees are worth integrating into the new design
The main entrance to the house looked more like a back yard.