COVID-19 Statement
We are in fortunate position that with only a few adjustments it is possible to continue our full services throughout the pandemic. All design work, from concept plans and sketches or visualisations through construction and setting out plans to planting plans and maintenance notes are done from our home offices and surveys can take place as long as there is safe access to the garden. Minor adjustments required include:
Initial client meetings to be undertaken with a combination of a site visit with strict social distancing and further discussion via Skype or other media.
Interim and final client meetings to take place via Skype or with posted plans and phone calls.
Project monitoring, if required, can be managed through a combination of site visit with strict social distancing, Skype calls and sharing of files via the cloud.
Should the official advice change it may be necessary to alter these arrangements and we will make a further statement if this is necessary. If you have any concerns or require any clarification please do not hesitate to contact us on or 01330 811989.